Guarantee Qualified Education for Students: A Responsibility of the Government

Mingxi Zhang
3 min readMar 18, 2021

Educational problems are usually complex and intractable. However, it has become the key to determining a country’s prospect or fate in the face of our increasingly globalized world. So, there should be a powerful managerial organization — the government to help to solve this problem. The government can provide the main impetus for change in education. This philosophy is similar to the ideas of Milton Friedman, an American economist, and statistician who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis. For example, he wrote, “A stable and democratic society is impossible without widespread acceptance of some common set of values and without a minimum degree of literacy and knowledge on the part of most citizens.” In other words, protect educational quality is an essential prerequisite that a country can guarantee a stable and democratic society for its citizens. That is the main reason why the government should make relative policies to help students get a qualified education.

Overcrowded rooms make education less effective

When schools are short of staff but still want to keep a high enrollment rate, allowing students to overcrowded classrooms is a common practice for most schools. This point is also mentioned in the blog of “School of Education.” It said that “a study by the National Center for Education Statistics found that 14 percent of US schools exceed capacity” (2019). The issue of overcrowding in schools is even happening in developed countries like America, not to mention some countries with a large population such as China and India. Under these situations, students cannot get the attention that they require and are more likely to lose interest in studying, which plants the seeds for dropping out. However, they are not the only ones who feel increased stress in overcrowded classrooms. Teachers in overcrowded schools also report a lack of resources or that their schools are in a less than ideal condition. This lack of space can lead to lessons being taught in non-instructional areas, such as gymnasiums, which, in turn, can heighten levels of stress among both students and teachers.

Ways for government to settle this problem

Even though parents can choose schools carefully for their children to avoid overcrowded classrooms, such issues can be easier settled by government actions. The legislature can make some policies to limit the number of students each class contains, release the education act and make education regulations to ensure students get the attention or personalization they require. Besides, if the lack of qualified teachers remains a problem in some areas, the government can encourage schools to try some creative methods like the flipped classroom. Danny Forest, a serial entrepreneur, has mentioned this method in his blog. He said, “The flipped classroom concept is a good starting point to facilitate self-exploration and individual practice” (Forest, 2019). In other words, it is also a way which can give students more chances for self-exploration and individual practice when schools are short of staff.


Friedman, M. (2019, November 5). The Role of Government in Education. EdChoice.

Forest, D. (2019, September 5). The Only 3 Things You Need To Provide Quality Education [web log].

